What do you think is the factor that most influences whether or not a woman breastfeeds? Her determination? Baby’s ability? Interventions during childbirth? Mother’s milk supply? Family history of breastfeeding? The answer is: None of the above. Continue reading
Category Archives: Breastfeeding
Think Lactation Consultants are Expensive?
Your breastfeeding adventure is likely to have some bumps and twists and turns along the way. Some challenges, if not addressed promptly, can lead to complete cessation of breastfeeding. That’s where the IBCLC comes in. The lactation consultant in private practice bridges the gap between the place of birth and ongoing success with breastfeeding. Continue reading
Breastfeeding and Work–Alice’s Story
Alice came to me concerned about how she was going to keep breastfeeding once she returned to her full-time career. In her workplace, there is no such thing as 9-5. Everyone is expected to put in long days. I talked to her about asking for what she needed and setting some limits. We also talked about creative ways to meet her baby’s needs. She took my suggestions and ran with them—developing her own, unique style. Many thanks to Alice for sharing how she has managed to maintain her breastfeeding relationship and continue her fast-paced work life.
Christian is a big, healthy boy who is now enjoying solid foods in addition to mommy’s milk. Here is her success story: Continue reading
Updated: What is a Phone Consultation?
A phone consultation is a great way to get some expert help at about half the cost of a home visit. Bonus: You don’t have to leave your comfy chair! It’s appropriate for a wide variety of situations. I commonly provide phone consultations for return-to-work planning, milk supply problems, breastfeeding management concerns, weaning and sleep issues. Phone consultations work best when breastfeeding is going well (or has in the past) but there are other issues that need to be addressed.
You caught my daughter’s posterior tongue tie over the phone & with emailed pictures when other health care professionals completely overlooked it! It’s now being corrected next week! I’m really excited to see how this improves her breastfeeding! *THANK YOU*
What can you expect from a phone consultation?
Breastfeeding and Exercise
It’s that time of year again—time when many of us resolve to lose weight and exercise more. Taking care of yourself is even more important now that you have become a mother. But how is it possible to make time for YOU when you have a baby to care for? Is it possible to exercise regularly and meet the needs of your baby? What about breastfeeding? Is it ok to exercise while breastfeeding? Yes, yes and yes!