Breastfeeding Requires Swallowing!

This video illustrates audible swallows by a newborn.  The regular, rhythmic “kuh” sound is produced with each swallow.  Notice the baby’s jaw drop right before the sound.  The position of the baby is perfect. Their head is tipped back, mouth open wide, chin tucked into the breast and nose tipped away from the breast. Enjoy!

Infant breastfeeding well 1:1 Swallow from Renee Beebe on Vimeo.

Never Wake a Sleeping Baby?

Newborn sleeping

Breastfeeding seemed to go OK at first. After all, the baby was nursing a lot and slept well. It didn’t seem right to the new mom that her 1-week-old baby slept 6-8 hour stretches, but everyone said “don’t worry.” A pediatric visit at 2 weeks confirmed this mom’s worst fears. Her baby had lost weight!  She was told to supplement with formula and contact a lactation consultant. Continue reading

Your Baby is a Mammal


Baby mammal found her way to the breast!

Infant mammals have one thing in common. They all breastfeed. In addition, they are all equipped to squirm, crawl or swim to the breast and latch and happily suckle without the help of their mothers.

But human babies are different than other mammals, right? Don’t they need someone to “latch them on”?

Yes, human babies ARE different from other mammals. They are smarter and even more capable than their furry counterparts. After some help to get to mom’s torso, a newborn will have no trouble finding the breast and suckling comfortably and effectively. Just like other mammals, your baby has an innate need and an intense drive to breastfeed. To your baby it is not a choice. It is simply survival. Continue reading