Welcome to “Breastfeeding Between the Lines” at The Second 9 Months!

Future lactation consultants
Nobody “taught” these two little girls how to breastfeed their babies. No one showed them how to properly “latch.” They didn’t call a lactation consultant for help. It wasn’t necessary. Breastfeeding was just another part of life for them. They sat on my lap or played on the floor during scores of La Leche League meetings. They watched neighbors and friends nurse their babies. They absorbed it and learned. So there they are, absentmindedly watching TV while they’re nursing their babies. The most natural thing in the world. Perfect positioning without really thinking about it. So why do many new people struggle with breastfeeding? Why are lactation consultants necessary? Why is this blog necessary? Because babies were born to breastfeed and mothers are designed for breastfeeding, but we were not meant to do it alone! Our busy, independence-oriented culture creates isolation for new parents. In addition most of my clients have NEVER seen a baby breastfeed and many have never held a newborn other than their own. Is it any wonder folks need help?
“Breastfeeding Between the Lines” is an attempt to streamline information for new parents. To dispel myths. To make it all simple. Please browse the posts. To get started, check out “It’s Not Supposed to Hurt.” Feel free to add comments. Post an alternative viewpoint. Tell me what you think! I look forward hearing from you.
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