Breast Milk Storage Guidelines

DSCN1910Your milk is a living thing! It is rich in antibodies that are constantly killing off nasty bacteria. For that reason, it is very stable and remains nutritious and safe even after it’s been expressed.

You may find a wide spectrum of guidelines written about the safety of breast milk at various temperatures. It can be confusing to try to figure out which source is correct. Why is there so much variability? The simple answer is that research is conducted in controlled situations and different populations have different needs. For example, pumped milk will last longer in a refrigerator that is never opened. A hospital environment with fragile, premature babies requires that milk be handled much more carefully than a home environment with a healthy baby. Continue reading

Breastfeed Twins? Yes!

If you’re expecting twins, you may be wondering…Is it possible to breastfeed twins? Can my body make enough milk for two babies? Can I really nourish my babies without using formula? The answers are yes, yes and yes!

Your Dr., your doula and your childbirth educator may all have told you, “Most women can’t make enough milk for 2 babies.” Don’t believe them! If your body is equipped to breastfeed one baby, it is highly likely that you will have sufficient milk for two.

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Breastfeeding and Work–Getting Out the Door! (Updated)

IMG_2024Now that you’ve made the commitment to breastfeed your baby AND you’re going back to work, you may be wondering…how do breastfeeding parents really do this?

Here are some tips from some experienced parents who have learned how to make every second count! Continue reading

Working and Breastfeeding: You Can Do It! (Updated)

Women have been combining work with motherhood for thousands of years. Since babies are made to get their nutrition directly from their mothers, society expected moms and babies to be literally joined at the hip for the first year or more. It’s only been in recent history that “going back to work” has been a potential roadblock to continuing to breastfeed. Although it is normal to work while caring for baby, our modern world and societal expectations often require moms to be separate from baby while working.

So, is it really possible to continue breastfeeding while working away from baby? Absolutely! It takes some planning and commitment, but as a parent,  you’re already committed to your baby and you’re probably a master planner and multi-tasker! Just make sure you have the tools and information you need to be successful. Continue reading

Are Used Breastpumps a Bargain?

I have noticed more of my clients are buying used breastpumps or borrowing pumps from friends or family. As the prices of high-quality breastpumps increase, resourceful moms try to find less expensive alternatives to new pumps that can cost as much as 400 dollars.  Before you acquire a used pump, please consider the following.

Three hundred dollars is a lot of money, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of formula.   Estimates range from $1000 to $4000 per year!

Breastfeeding moms who are separated from their babies for work or school depend on their pumps every day.  Pumps do have warranties, typically lasting from 90 days to 1 year, but they usually are not transferable.  So if you have a used pump, you have no warranty. In addition you have no idea how long a used pump will function.  When it fails, you will need to buy or rent another pump. Continue reading